Most plans that promise a wide selection of funds only include funds that pay the providers fees. There may be hundreds of funds to select from but does this really give you an unbiased choice of investments? Many providers make their selection process sound objective, but having multiple families of funds to select from is not enough. Using these providers means there are conflicts-of-interest before you even start the selection process. Often these funds carry higher internal expenses and achieve lower performance.
WealthHarbor Select 401(k) starts with the full universe of funds and no preconceived preferences. Funds are identified by investment class and compared to similar funds and benchmark indexes. Funds are evaluated for performance, style purity, and management stability, over various time frames. Information is gathered from third party sources such as Standard & Poors, Morningstar, Lipper, and Thompson Financial. Once the screening process is completed, funds are recommended to the plan. WealthHarbor constantly screens the fund universe and provides annual updates on funds and recommendations for changes as necessary.
This conflict-free, independent analysis is what sets WealthHarbor apart from the competition. Our revenue sharing structure creates a level playing field among all funds. If a fund provides credits, they are passed on to the plan so all funds are considered equally.
WealthHarbor assumes fiduciary liability for investment selection because of this independent analysis. Other providers are encumbered by conflicts that make it too difficult to deliver this kind of objective fund selection process.